I just love to find these poems, these rare gems, that are stirring and unlike any other. They gently transport me to another place and for a lovely time, I am suspended.
After Love
Afterwards, the compromise.
Bodies resume their boundaries.
These legs, for instance, mine.
Your arms take you back in.
Spoons of our fingers, lips
admit their ownership.
The bedding yawns, a door
blows aimlessly ajar
and overhead, a plane
singsongs, coming down.
Nothing is changed, except
there was a moment when
the wolf, the mongering wolf
who stands outside the self
lay lightly down, and slept.
1 comment:
Where do you find these poems? On the internet poem for the day or where. This one was verrrry good. I especially liked the comparison to the wolf. Why can't we all be able to express ourselves so beautifully. Find some more.....soon.
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